We are a club of novice, intermediate, and experienced woodturners who enjoy turning wood, helping fellow members improve their skills, and encouraging non-members to learn the skill of woodturning.

Like many woodturning clubs, we hold monthly meetings where equipment is available for demonstrations and hands-on learning, and our lending library of woodturning books and videos is available to all members. After a very brief business meeting, usually a club member, but occasionally a visiting “dignitary,” will give a presentation or a demonstration on a topic such as wood harvesting and preparation, wood species and properties, tool selection, tool sharpening, tool making, lathes and accessories, gluing up and bandsawing blanks, finishing, painting, burning, displaying, pricing, photographing, and oh, yes, turning techniques for platters, bowls, vases, boxes, spindles, ornaments, and more. A meeting also usually has a show and tell session and sometimes a wood raffle.

Some of us have turnings for sale in galleries or sell at craft shows. Some of us turn only for personal use or for presents for our friends and relatives. All of us turn for pleasure and the joy of accomplishment.

Club membership is by household and dues are $25 annually payable at the start of each calendar year. High school and college students interested in woodturning are invited to be student members at no charge. To serve on the ZVW Board of Directors, a club member must also be a member of the American Association of Woodturners.

If you think you may be interested in woodturning, drop by one of our meetings shown in the right side bar. Visitors are always welcome.