Wig Stands for Cancer Charity

Education Class

The Zumbro Valley Woodturners club held an education class with the goal of turning some wig stands to help the Minnesota Woodturners Association club reach their goal of turning 500 wig stands for a charity that donates wigs and wig stands to patients soon to go through chemotherapy.

Wig Stand Design Notes

Mike Denny permitted us to hold the class in his shop and he also offered his time to mentor the students.  John Thorson also helped mentor the class.


Some finished wig stand ‘parts’.  This projects was perfect for an education class permitting us to focus on spindle turning techniques as we turned the stem in the morning followed by side-gran techniques later in the day as we turned the mushroom-top and the base of the stand.

Completed wig stand, sanded and ready for a finish

By: John Thorson On: 04/07/2024